About the Patient The 24-year-old patient sought treatment for headaches and neck, middle, and lower back pain. She stated that she was experiencing chronic pain, reduced mobility upon waking, and frequent headaches. Examination revealed that her cervical range of motion was reduced in all directions, and she was found to have an increased thoracic kyphosis outside the normal range.
The patient was placed on a Chiropractic BioPhysics®-based protocol that included mirror-image® extension traction, exercises, manual therapy, spinal orthosis, practiced normal posture, and taping in order to reduce the thoracic hyper-kyphosis. The patient also experienced a motor vehicle collision during the course of treatment. The patient received instructions for at-home therapy, as well as exercises to be performed at home.
After 48 treatments overall, nearly all of which followed Chiropractic BioPhysics® protocol, the patient’s thoracic kyphosis was found to be markedly reduced and was now within normal limits. The patient remained in supportive/maintenance care consisting of two treatments per month, after which she exhibited further reduction of pain and discomfort.
We are Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP) trained chiropractors, and can help correct many spinal disorders and postural deformities. If you live outside the area, please find a CBP chiropractor near you by visiting
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