About The Patient
The 41-year-old patient had syringomyelia, a fluid-filled cyst inside the spinal cord, and chronic pain after experiencing a 9-foot fall that resulted in trauma to his upper cervical spine. He lived with pain in the aftermath of his injury for nine years prior to receiving CBP®-based techniques. He had previously received occipitoatlantal decompression surgery, but it did not improve his symptoms long-term.
The patient was treated with CBP®-based care over the course of 3 weeks. At the end of treatment, his self-reported pain had decreased by 50%, in addition to a decrease of other complaints. The patient’s posture was significantly improved, shifting from a 10 degrees lordosis with mid cervical kyphosis to a 30 degrees lordosis. In a one-year follow-up exam, the patient’s improvement remained stable, and pain intensity had not spiked.
Traditional surgical interventions are not always sufficient to provide long-term relief of symptoms. Chiropractic Biophysics® employs geometric and physics-based techniques that can significantly reduce unwanted pain, help restore optimal posture, and improve quality of life.
We are Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP) trained chiropractors, and can help correct many spinal disorders and postural deformities. If you live outside the area, please find a CBP chiropractor near you by visiting idealspine.com/directory.
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